Saturday, October 12, 2019

Buffalo Soldiers in the West Essay -- essays papers

Buffalo Soldiers in the West Throughout American history, African Americans haven’t had too much say in whether or not they belonged in the United States or not. Slavery without a doubt had a great impact upon their decisions. However, despite their troubles, African Americans have paid their dues and have made an impact on our armed forces since the Revolutionary War. African Americans have fought to preserve the rights for Americans, as well as having to fight the war within their very own country to gain the right to fight for their country and their individual freedom. Approximately sixteen months after the end of the Civil War, an Act of Congress entitled the Buffalo Soldiers â€Å"An Act to increase and fix the Military Peace Establishment of the United States†. Which authorized the formation of tow regiments of cavalry to be composed of colored men. This act was approved on July 28th, 1866. On September 21st, 1866, the 9th cavalry regiment was activated in Greenville, LA, along with the 10th cavalry regiment, which was activated at Fort Leavenworth, KS. Even though the African American soldiers clearly distinguished themselves as soldiers, they were by no means wanted in the army. Shortly after General Washington took command of the Army, the white colonists decided that not only should no black slaves or freemen be enlisted, but that those already serving in the Army should be dismissed. The colonists didn’t enjoy the black soldiers in the army because they felt that blacks weren’t smart enough and as well trained to handle themselves in battle. In turn, would only be taking up space and food for the other soldiers who they felt were more equipped to fight with the army in major battles. The colonists would probably have kept Blacks out of the military during the war if it were not for the proclamation by the Lord of Dunmore. His statement was, "I do hereby... declare all... Negroes... free, that are able and willing to bear arms, they joining his Majesty's troops, as soon as may be, for the more speedily reducing this colony to a proper dignity." This meant that any black soldiers willing to fight for the British would be declared legally free. Therefore, the Americans couldn't afford to deny Black Americans, free or not, from joining the army. Less than a month after Lord Dunmore’s proclamation, General George Washington officially revers... ...the Union army. Unfortunately, Abraham Lincoln was more concerned with political relations than the treatment of African American slaves. The federal government and the Union army only began to adopt a policy of allowing and even encouraging the recruitment of Blacks. Then, it became clear that the war would be a long and drawn out conflict in which it was necessary to mobilize all the resources possible and to weaken the enemy as much as possible. Even then Black troops weren't really used. In July of 1862, Congress authorized the use of black soldiers in the Civil War, but there was no follow-up of that order until January 1, 1863 when Abraham Lincoln put the Emancipation Proclamation into effect. It was never known for sure why the black soldiers were thought as Buffalo Soldiers, but some say that the Indians saw a resemblance between the black man’s hair and the mane of a buffalo. Others thought that when a buffalo was wounded or cornered, it fought ferociously displaying unusual stamina and courage. The Indians felt their fighting spirit in was equivalent to the buffalo, which to them is an animal held in high regard. Bibliography:

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